For Your Life's Purpose

Catholic colleges and universities go beyond coursework, papers, and exams. They serve the global community, leave their campuses and perform mission work in the inner-city, and bring the Sacraments to the student body. They encourage the use of reason and faith, the pursuit of Truth, and the forming of minds and hearts.

Only in recent times has higher education been pursued primarily for economic well-being. Historically, higher education has been about so much more! America needs men and women morally and ethically grounded in their education for the leadership roles they will perform. Higher education ought to provide that foundation… a strong Catholic higher education does provide that foundation!

These strong institutions produce more than just graduates, they produce fully formed human persons. Graduates from strong Catholic colleges and universities are rooted in Truth, pursue wisdom, and are fully alive. They are these things because their education has been balanced across the spectrum of personhood: intellectual, spiritual, social, and personal growth.

Make the Right Choice

Catholic higher education in the United States is a crowded field. In fact, it’s the largest religiously-affiliated system in the United States. With over 230 independent institutions asserting varying degrees of Catholic identity, how can you find an institution with a strong Catholic identity in which to entrust both your education and your financial resources?

There are a number of resources that can help, such as St. John Paul II’s Ex Cordiae Ecclesiae and the resurgence of the use of the mandatum. These resources guide and assist colleges and universities in their work to retain a strong Catholic identity that’s faithful to the Church. Unfortunately, not all Catholic colleges and universities have made Catholic identity a priority in their mission.

While the search may be difficult, with the assistance of prayer, and diligent research, you can and will find Catholic colleges and universities across the country who’s Catholic identity goes far deeper than their name alone. You’ll find institutions alive with the Holy Spirit that live and breathe the Catholic mission and put Catholic Social Teaching into practice every single day. These strong institutions care about more than your tuition payment, they care about forming you as a person and sending you out into the world on a mission to bring the light of faith to those around you. They want to be a partner in your life’s purpose and set you up on a course to set the world on fire.